Chuck Parry’s life is marked by both faith and the miraculous...

Chuck is the Director of Bethel Healing Rooms in Redding, CA. He is the author of the books Free Falling – True Stories of One Man’s Leap Into the Miraculous, and Alignment – Live a Life of Miracles. Married since 1977, Chuck and his wife Linda have three children and five grandchildren.

books + resources


What would happen if we truly believed Jesus’s promise that we will do the same things He did during His earthly ministry—and even greater things? And what does it take for us to live in that naturally supernatural way?

Free-Falling: True Stories of One Man's Leap into the Miraculous

Over thirty years of supernatural adventures and miraculous encounters in the author's personal experience and growth from his first search for God, to learning how to live a naturally supernatural lifestyle.

Resources & More!

Check here for all of Chuck Parry and Bethel Healing Rooms resources! Coming Soon!

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Would you like to invite Chuck to your church? Click the button below to get started Please give two months time notice for planning purposes.

Upcoming Events & Conferences

Varese, Italia | October, 03-10

Chiesa la Sorgente

Via Vallemaggia 23 | 03/10 Locarno (TI)
0041 78 949 55 17

Via al Fiume 1, Gravesano (TI) | 04/10

Via Cortina d’Ampezzo 10, Varese | 05/10
0039 340 265 5029 (Prenotazione gradita)

Via Giuseppe Brini 47 Bologna | 08/10
0039 338 726 7846

Wheaton, Illinois | October, 24-28

Abide Conference

Bethel Austin | November 14-18

Healing School

Hosting Chuck? Check out all of Chuck’s photos and biography below in his Press Kit.

Keep up with Chuck

Follow Chuck on social media to catch the latest of his adventures with God!